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Become a partner to supercharge your teachers’ creativity. Partner schools and organizations get access to all of our latest and emerging AI-driven tools.

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Complete the form below to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to helping your school or organization empower teachers with machine learning magic.

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We're excited to partner with your school to supercharge teachers' creativity with our suite of powerful resource creation tools.

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Unlimited Worksheets

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Powerful Next Generation Resources, created at the Speed of Thought

Unlock the power of creative creation. Teachers can easily craft, vet and share resources at a speed never before seen. Get access to TeachFlows entire library of AI dynamic resources to make learning fun and enrich every student's holistic development.

Student Interests & Performance Drives
Resource Creation

Granular analytics from class interests, time taken per question, performance across topics can all factor into how TeachFlows creates resources for your school in a secure and private way. With a single source of truth, teachers can not only analyse but immediately act on student learning gaps with a variety of next-generation resources.

Custom AI Features, Just for Your School

We work closely with select schools and institutions to craft experiences that push the boundary of what is possible in a safe, ethical and reliable way. If you're interested to work with a world-class team to create bespoke solutions for your school, TeachFlows is your perfect match.